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To: David Cameron

Illegitimate Government Must Immediately Resign

All holders of Public Office in current government must immediately resign and surrender for questioning for crimes against humanity and Human Rights abuses, namely against welfare claimants.

As our own government and opposition parties have openly condoned and encouraged these Human Rights abuses.

Why is this important?

We, the people of this land, trust that the spirit in which we elect to delegate some authority to government is not abused and that the people we elect into government will look after our best interests.

This coalition government has abused that trust and authority and has committed, and continues to commit systematic abuses of the electorates' Human Rights. As such, we have no faith in government and therefore demand that the government resigns immediately as it is no longer considered legitimate by the electorate.

The failure of Members of Parliament, specifically those whom hold a Public Office, to resign immediately will result in arrest and detainment pending a trial by jury at Common Law for crimes against humanity, charges of which will be presented in full upon arrest.

United Kingdom

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2014-09-22 23:56:56 +0100

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