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To: John Lewis Partnership

John Lewis : Christmas Parties not Adverts

John Lewis you have spent £7 million on your Christmas TV advert which features a lonely old man. Next year we the people signing this petition would respect you hugely, and be more likely to buy things from you, if you announced to the press that you will make NO TV ADVERT for Christmas 2016, and instead spend £7 million helping to fund Christmas Day parties up and down the country, to which lonely people can come and enjoy a decent meal, companionship, and some festive fun.

Why is this important?

In UK an estimated 400,000 elderly people are lonely on Christmas Day. If John Lewis decided to spend £7 million on providing a party for them instead of advertising, it would mean an immediate £17.50 per head ... and even more than that if other large chain stores would get involved. The free publicity they would get from this wonderful gesture would encourage perhaps more people to feel like buying Christmas gifts from them.

Great Britain

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2015-12-07 16:29:08 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-12-01 22:24:43 +0000

10 signatures reached