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To: Jeremy Corbyn, Natalie Bennet, Caroline Lucas

Join the Labour Party and Green party and start taking climate change seriously

I believe, as many other Labour and Green party former voters and supporters that these two parties have some very similar policies and that it would benefit everybody if they joined and Jeremy Corbyn made Natalie Bennet created a new and progressive party possibly named Green Labour that makes tackling climate change one of its most important targets.

Why is this important?

Because we need nature, it doesn't need us, and if we don't act soon it will not only effect future generations, but as we have seen by the sinking of entire Islands, melting of the ice caps, forest fires in Australia, and even floods in our own country it IS already effecting us now. We must take action before it's too late.

United Kingdom

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2015-12-23 11:10:10 +0000

10 signatures reached