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To: Brierley Forest Golf Club & Leedale Ltd

Keep Huthwaite Clean

Clean up your act, keep our roads clean and safe.
Use the wheelwash, ensure the street cleaner is operating continuously and ensure your loads are safe and secure and not dropping rocks on the road. Don't park on the pavement.

Why is this important?

For months, Leedale lorries have been going into the Brierley Forest Golf Club in Huthwaite, Notts, tipping loads of waste soil and rubble for redevelopment and then coming out and spreading muck all over the local roads (Main Street and Common Road), causing the roads to be
dirty, filthy and slippery.

There has been a lot of cars skidding. Peoples clothing, cars and houses have been getting covered in dirty spray coming off the roads.

The lorries have also had a lot of stones, gravel and large chunks
of rock and soil dropping off their loads, causing danger to road users and pedestrians, chipping paintwork on cars, flicking up at passer by's and also blocking drains. The safety of our children has been affected (the conditions of the roads outside the schools)

The lorries have been parking on the pavements on Main street and restricting view of the pedestrians crossing the road, making it less safe.

The lorry drivers have been reported to have bad road manners and attitude, speeding, pulling out in front of people and generally not having very good ettiquette.

The people of Huthwaite and even residents of Sutton-in-Ashfield who go through Huthwaite via the common road - have all had enough.
There has been numerous complaints to the golf club owners, to Leedale, to Ashfield District Council, to the local Police, to the Highways Agency. Nothing seems to be done.

People have protested. There's an outrage on social media.
Some people have tried to block the road to stop the lorries from passing and got arrested. Nothing seems to change.

Enough is enough! Time to clean up your act!!


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2017-01-22 06:40:06 +0000

100 signatures reached

2017-01-21 23:21:31 +0000

50 signatures reached

2017-01-21 22:55:42 +0000

25 signatures reached

2017-01-21 22:46:54 +0000

10 signatures reached