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To: Nicola Sturgeon

Keep Scottish Water in Public Hands

We demand that the Scottish Government keep Scottish Water in public hands. The private control of such a vital resource is not in the public interest. The government should halt the tendering process that has already begun and also should return the services, which are currently carried out for Scottish water by private contractors, to public control. Tax payers' money should not be handed over to private companies to provide vital services when those companies are not open to public scrutiny. Besides, your government promised that they would not privatise our water.

Why is this important?

Tax payers' money should not be handed over to private companies to provide vital services, when those companies are not open to public scrutiny. The availability of fresh water is one of the crises facing our planet and it is therefore imperative that we guarantee that it is preserved for the good our people and not for the good of a greedy corporate business who cannot be trusted to act in that interest.

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2016-04-15 21:42:29 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-03-30 08:45:02 +0100

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2015-05-10 13:25:51 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-03-01 13:02:47 +0000

10 signatures reached