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To: Scottish Government

Legalise Civil Partnership for all

Allow heterosexual couples to choose marriage or civil partnership, giving them the same rights as same sex couples

Why is this important?

Allowing same sex couples to legally marry was a defining moment in the history of gay rights and a huge step in the right direction for equality. At the same time, however, it has created a situation that the Supreme Court has identified as entirely incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights. Unfortunately it is still up to local government to decide whether to allow heterosexual couples to have a civil partnership. Incredulously, it has been suggested that there is now no requirement for civil partnership to exist. There are many reasons why couples of any sexual orientation may choose a civil partnership over marriage (this list is not exhaustive):

-The institution of marriage is rather patriarchical. The bride is handed over to her groom by her father, and her father's job is required on the marriage certificate.
-Some consider the terms husband and wife (or even man and wife as traditional vows tend to use) to imply ownership whereas partners comes across as more equal
-Spoken vows are essential in marriage in front of two witnesses but not in civil partnerships. Declaring your love for each other in front of an audience can be daunting and also take away from the two most important people - the couple.
-Civil partnerships are harder to dissolve than a marriage and therefore can be seen as more of a commitment. Adultery is historically not a good enough reason in its own to dissolve a civil partnership.

Scotland has a history of being forerunners for equality in the UK and should follow the example set by the Isle of Man as soon as possible by allowing the same rights for all.

How it will be delivered

Via email to the relevant department at Holyrood


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2018-07-04 04:54:38 +0100

10 signatures reached