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To: Nicolina Cooper, Head of Parking Services & Mike Cooke, Chief executive of Camden Council

Lets end the Parking nightmare for residents in West Hampstead!

Please enforce Saturday parking restrictions on Medley and Iverson Road as you have done in other over populated areas which are close to the shops.

Why is this important?

Parking on weekends in the CAQ zone on Medley and Iverson Road is already a nightmare and is set to become even worse when the new developments and shops open. While we support the growth in the area this problem needs to be remedied NOW before the new developments open.

I've lived in West Hampstead now for the last 8 years and LOVE the area. While i fully support the growth in the area i am some what worried about parking going forward when the new blocks open on Iverson Road and West end lane. I live on the lovely road medley just off iverson. Parking has always been tricky but in the last few months it's been near impossible to park near by due to the building works taking place during the week (for the new developments) and the farmers market on Saturdays. Sundays are less problematic. I am however aware that this will become even more tricky once the new flats open. As it stands i'm aware that the new blocks haven't been granted residents parking but that if restrictions aren't enforced now for Saturdays then parking will be near impossible at the weekend. With that in mind i have been talking to neighbours and we want to start a petition to enforce restrictions that parking in the CAQ area for Medley and Iverson is brought forward to Saturdays also (as it is in highly populated areas in the CAP area).
West Hampstead, London Borough of Camden

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2017-01-16 11:00:21 +0000

10 signatures reached