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To: Walkers Crisps, Kettle Crisps, Real, Yushoi, the main supermarkets brands, all other manufacturers

Look into alternative packaging for crisps and similar bagged foods

There are new more environmentally friendly alternative products, such as leather being made out of leaves, and new invented alternatives for plastic products. I believe that with research, you could find an alternative material in this modern time, that maybe even allows the product to last longer, whilst being biodegradable or made possible to put in the recycling bins.

Plus, they are not recyclable, most people eat crisps, and there is a lot of landfill, and wildlife problems due to not being biodegradable.

Why is this important?

Because the companies should be responsible for the environment. Many people blindly eat these products without realising what damage they are doing. We need to see what we are eating out of, and eat products with recyclable packaging, to make sure that we are aware of our environmental footprint and don't have a costly add up to landfill in 1 or 10 or 70+ years time, when it is too late. We need the big companies who make food products, to make sure that there are environmentally friendly ways of disposing of the products, because soo much is thrown out.



2017-09-21 12:43:34 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-04-18 07:02:41 +0100

10 signatures reached