1,000 signatures reached
To: Meadowhall Shopping Centre
Make a Staff Car Park for Meadowhall staff on the Next side of the centre
Create a staff car park, by possibly using the rarely (if ever) open overspill, only a few minutes walk from Next, in Meadowhall Shopping Centre.
Why is this important?
The staff car park as it stands now is secluded and unsafe. As a young worker in Meadowhal myself, I personally do not feel safe walking from the staff car park to my store - which is on the far side of Meadowhall - early in the morning or late a night when there is next to nobody about. Having worked in Meadowhall for almost two years I have heard these issues brought up on numerous occasions however Meadowhall choose to ignore them.
Staff that park in 'customer' car parks are issued with £95 fines, to which they are threatened with court action until paid, and I have seen many of this fines stuck on cars recently proving how many members of staff choose to take this risk as they do not wish to risk parking in the staff car park.
That being said, the staff car park itself is unfinished and has caused damage to staff's cars in the past. If a person's safety isn't enough, risk putting your car in there and risk creating a large bill at the garage.
This is disgraceful and it needs to change now!
Staff that park in 'customer' car parks are issued with £95 fines, to which they are threatened with court action until paid, and I have seen many of this fines stuck on cars recently proving how many members of staff choose to take this risk as they do not wish to risk parking in the staff car park.
That being said, the staff car park itself is unfinished and has caused damage to staff's cars in the past. If a person's safety isn't enough, risk putting your car in there and risk creating a large bill at the garage.
This is disgraceful and it needs to change now!