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To: Greg Clark MP, Secretary of State for Business

Make a 'worker voice' law in the UK

Please listen to the recommendation of the Matthew Taylor Review and 'extend the Information and Consultation Regulations to include employees and workers and reduce the threshold for implementation from 10% to 2% of the workforce making the request.'

The UK needs a decent worker voice law.

Why is this important?

Our employment system is creaking under the strain of modern work. It’s not fit for purpose and people (particularly new parents) are slipping through the cracks.

A Government review has ‘recommended’ that if 2% of staff demand to be asked about something - anything from flexible working to a pay rise - it should automatically trigger a formal consultation.

Together, we can push this recommendation into a full blown right. Making it easier for everyone to get better rights and benefits at work.

Can you sign the petition demanding the ‘worker voice’ law gets made?




3 years ago

500 signatures reached

7 years ago

100 signatures reached

7 years ago

50 signatures reached

7 years ago

25 signatures reached

7 years ago

10 signatures reached