500 signatures reached
To: House of Commons
Make it compulsory to have a dog licence for ownership and breeding. Ban the BSL

Dear House of Commons, I think that there should be a licence for all dogs owned. Once the licence has been introduced, all people currently owning a dog has to get them micro-chipped and take a general test so they can prove they know how to look after their dog. There should be a separate licence for breeding dogs making sure if they are going to breed they have to be vet checked for degenerative genes and tested by a behavioral expert for aggression. Each individual dog should have a log book stating how much young has been produced. I also want to ban the BSL (Breed Specification Legislation).
Why is this important?
Too many people are getting dogs and seeing them as possessions or "money makers" by over breeding them for some easy cash or using the as "status dogs" using them to fight. When a dog is so cheap to buy, people are buying them then realizing they didn't want one in the first place. People are getting dogs free from people and selling them on. They are now treated as something with no value, as easy as if they were selling a mobile phone. This leads to unwanted dogs clogging up the kennels taking up time and money because of irresponsible owners. By making everyone licence their dog, this would weed out people who actually care and love their dogs. By having a breeding licence with vet check and behavioral expert, this will stamp out deformities caused through inbreeding and stop the aggressive gene passing on to the next generation, thus reducing the risk dramatically of "dangerous dogs". It is very important for the BSL to be banned as no dog should be targeted and killed because of what breed it is. You wouldn't go and jail or kill all murderers children because of what their parents did... so why do it to a dog? It can't help that it was born and there is no proof to say that dog will grow up aggressive. This should be abolished and every dog tested separately and treated as individual cases.
If you really wanted to stop dangerous dogs and the suffering of dogs happening all across the UK, there is no excuse. Act now and stop the suffering!
If you really wanted to stop dangerous dogs and the suffering of dogs happening all across the UK, there is no excuse. Act now and stop the suffering!