To: Nigel Huddleston MP

Make public parks safer and cleaner for children

This campaign has ended.

Make public parks and other similar places more clean and safe for children of all ages to play, so many parks are full of dangerous rubbish like broken glass, smokers despite there being signs saying no smoking, drunks despite there being signs saying no alcohol zone and litter bins everywhere. Enforce on drunk people and littering as well as dog fouling and make public parks a safe, clean place to play and be happy for all it's visitors.

Why is this important?

The public park is thought to be a happy, safe place for your children to play and make new friends and be themselves but in face it is the opposite. My local parks are filled with drunken hooligans drinking despite them being a no alcohol zone and broken glass and needles and other dangerous rubbish lying around despite litter bins located everywhere, I remember it being a safe, clean environment and so many people were happy but now they both don't get as many visitors and children are sometimes scared to go there.


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