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To: Ask all Major UK Political parties to outlaw Sugar Boarding

Manifesto Comitment to Ban Sugar Boarding

Major retailers are increasingly using the practice of Sugar Boarding their customers in order to extract more profit: Making the public queue past several meters of high sugar high fat confectionery in order to pay for what they came in for. We would like all UK political parties to acknowledge that this retail practice is unfair and unjust. It is immoral and they should commit to legislate on the maxim length of any sweets counter and maxim time periods customers have to queue past sweets.

Why is this important?

Everyone knows what is going on here and it is getting ridiculous: We talk about a "bad food environment" and yet there is little legislation to prevent the powerful retailers who supply most of our nutrition from using pernicious sales tack-ticks.
Supermarkets know that will power is finite resource and the most effective way of getting customers to crack, is to tempt them with high sugar foods in close proximity for a long time. These counters are designed cause sugar cravings. They are deliberately overriding the consumers free will and in light of the obesity and diabetes pandemics it is a disgraceful business practice.



2016-10-15 11:12:02 +0100

10 signatures reached