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To: Mendip District Council

Petition against giant mast at Waitrose, Wells

Reject planning application for a 15m mast at Whiting Way

Why is this important?

The proposed location is entirely unsuitable. Here are a few reasons in brief:
The mast will be tall and unsightly. At 15m it will be twice as high as street lights.
It will directly overlook a conservation area.
It will directly overlook a residential area.
It will interfere with the view of vehicles exiting a busy car park.
There are health issues associated with electromagnetic radiation from such masts, such as cancer clusters, headaches, general unwell feelings.
The mast will be very close to Wells Blue School and St Joseph and Theresa’s School.
Planning has already been rejected at other nearby sites. This site is nearer the schools, nearer the conservation area and has a great deal more traffic.
Wells, Somerset

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2018-01-17 21:05:31 +0000

50 signatures reached

2018-01-15 07:59:25 +0000

25 signatures reached

2018-01-12 10:54:59 +0000

10 signatures reached