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To: Scottish Parliament

Mental Health Act inquiry

Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to set up a public inquiry into historical cases of abuse of people detained under the Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1984 and the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003.

Why is this important?

I myself have been abused by the Mental Health System my first experience of being treated was as follows: I was approached by 5 nurses, one of which was carrying a needle, in response to this I panicked, I ran down the corridor and closed a door behind me and tried to hold it shut. Without any sort of negotiation they all began to barge the door open, one nurse grabbed one of my limbs until I was unable to move and I forced face down on the corridor floor, they proceeded to remove my trousers and pants and a nurse injected a psychotropic drug into the buttock. After this I passed out. I was not allowed to leave the ward to go outside, even under supervision, for simple things such as fresh air: which in the smelly, dirty, contained environment where the closest thing to fresh air was the smoking room.

A similar event happened when I had given up and they medicated me by force, after this I set off the fire alarm and ended up being sent to an even more secure unit.

They deprive liberty and expect you to conform to 3 hour passes that even if you are 10 minutes late they take them away.

They have made me homeless before, and they continue to use invasive treatments on me.

This started happening to me in 2007 and they still harass me now. This is because every tribunal is heard by 3 people tribunal of a Psychiatric member (claiming to be medical). Legal member. (Probably the psychiatrists lawyer) and a General member (Mental health Officer). There is a huge case of fraud here as it is bias and their medication is subject to publication biasing.

I still suffer side effects from their medication, but they ignore them. They also disregarded my advanced statement which was similar to:

Every piece of evidence they have on me is hearsay and nonsense, a complete violation of human rights.

This is a political Science gone out of control, it is dictated by psychiatrists.

For too long have people(including me) been abused by these psychiatrists, we have to start somewhere.


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2016-06-26 21:33:06 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-06-03 11:01:35 +0100

10 signatures reached

2015-01-17 19:55:06 +0000

Any questions? This was fairly rough attempt to promote an enquiry