To: The Rt. Hon Nicky Morgan MP

Mindfullness on the national curriculum

Put Mindfullness on the National curriculum so that ALL school children benefit and learn coping mechanisms when dealing with stress anxiety and challenges.

Why is this important?

Children are bombarded with sensory stimulation from video games, mobile phones TV and computers almost 24 hours a day. Add to that the pressure of everyday life ....tests , changes in the family make up, poverty, and overworked parents! Combine these factors with the already difficult naturally occurring stages a child goes through and we are heading for many more generations of depressed over pressured young people and adults. What coping strategies do our children have to counteract all this bombardment and retain their individual Humanness in a virtual world .... We need to teach them how to find a stillness amidst all of the business.

What coping strategies are we providing to prevent more generations of depressed over pressured young people and adults ???????
