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To: Aberdeen City Council, Scottish Government

What happens to our RC Primary schools and need for a Secondary Catholic School in Aberdeen, UK

Aberdeen City Council is conducting a feasibility study to either close down the Catholic Primary Schools (St.Peter RC, St.Joseph RC and Holy Family RC primary) or continue letting it be a denominational school in Aberdeen. 

It is also addressing the possibility of having a Secondary Catholic School. 

We need at least 500 signatures to show there is enough support for denominational primary and secondary schools in Aberdeen

*Kindly fill this form and save the future of Catholic schools in Aberdeen*

Please say yes to *Secondary Catholic School* by signing here to show your support.

Why is this important?

We need Aberdeen City Council to help it's many denominational communities including Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and other faith based communities who send their kids to Catholic Schools. It affects a lot of locals who historically sent their kids to these schools, as well as ethnic minorities of Aberdeen. 

We need a secondary school to continue helping the kids who studies in RC primaries to continue friendships and their school values.
Aberdeen, UK

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2024-05-17 15:48:38 +0100

50 signatures reached

2024-05-10 07:14:51 +0100

25 signatures reached

2024-05-08 14:41:23 +0100

10 signatures reached