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To: The Government and HMRC


I would like to see a scheme created to help raise money for the NHS and Education Dept, the two most important things to many people in our great country, as follows;

1. A scheme that allows you to choose to pay 1% extra income tax, if you opt-in, it must be for a minimum of 1 year. The monies collected to be distributed 60% 40% in favour of NHS. These two services only.

2. The beauty of this idea is that all who join the scheme are doing so by their own choice, this helps with people's philosophy, knowing that they are helping to improve two of the most important services this country has.. I have no doubt that majority of tax payers would opt-in to such a scheme, if only for one year with most being able to continue thereafter if they desire.

Why is this important?

This is important because I believe there is not enough investment in either of these services and the people of our country do not need to stand by and let politicians dither over the future of them, when we, as a country can help.

How it will be delivered

In person



2016-03-14 22:36:03 +0000

10 signatures reached