5,000 signatures reached
To: Ministry of Justice / Her Majesty's Court Service
No to Late Court Sittings

Please put a halt to the pilot scheme and any plans to introduce late court sittings.
Why is this important?
It is unfair and discriminatory for Court staff, Judges, Barristers, Solicitors, and court users, particularly those with children. It will have a detrimental impact on well-being and diversity at the Bar and Judiciary. It is hard enough for parents at the Bar to make it work. It jeopardises work-life balance. It is impractical and fails to take account of the cab-rank rule, listing practices, and that lawyers need time to prepare their cases and travel to and from court. Overall, all those working in the courts deserve to have a good work/life balance, and the ability to see their children. This should not be forced upon lawyers, Judges and Court staff. This is a regressive step and a barrier to greater diversity in the profession and on the bench and in particular will be a further obstacle to the retention of women.