Petition is successful with 2,449 signatures
To: Richard Leafe - Head of the LDNPA
No Zip Wires in Glenridding - Ullswater
13/12/14 - We had a great result & won the No Zip In Glenridding. After an open parish meeting, with Mike Turner of Tree Top Treks & Richard Leafe of the LDNPA being present to answer questions, there was a parish vote held.
Mike Turner told us he would not go ahead if the parish did not want the zip wire. The vote was an overwhelming majority in favour of NOT having the Zip Wire instalation at the head of the valley.
Good to his word, Mike Turner backed away & sent a statement that can be viewed here:

Please do not allow anyone to obtain planning permission to put any zip wire installation into the beautiful Greenside Valley above Glenridding and Ullswater
Why is this important?
The Lake District is a National Park, renowned for its outstanding beauty worldwide. It would be a travesty & contravention to many LDNP operatives, set back in 2007, in a document named LAKE DISTRICT NATIONAL PARK LANDSCAPE CHARACTER ASSESSMENT AND GUIDELINES, between the LDNPA, National Trust, Friends of the Lake District & Natural England, all of who are responsible for looking after the English Lake District.
There might well be room for a new Zip Wire Development in the Lake District, but beautiful Lakeland Valleys should not be part of this plan. There are already 3 or more zip wire developments in the Lakes, which are based in new woodland, planted for growth, where noise generated is muffled by the surrounding environment. Should such an idea be considered, then surely this type of location is more suitable than a quiet & tranquil valley such as Greenside above Glenridding.
The National Park themselves have already stated in their planning advice statement issued to the company concerned in April 2014 that they have significant concerns, including
• The impact of development upon the landscape and character of the area
• Access, traffic, travel and safeguarding the rights of way network
• The impact of development upon the Scheduled Ancient Monument
• The impact of development upon contaminated land
• The impact of development upon ground stability and conditions
• The impact of development upon the residential amenity of nearby dwellings (e.g. as a result of noise)
• Ecological impacts (particularly impacts upon the SAC and the SSSI)
Given that the land on which the starting point of the Zip Wire is proposed is owned by the Lake District National Park authority it is surely sensible for them to stop this idea now before it develops any further.
Glenridding is supported in its entirety by the tourist trade - walkers, climbers, runners, mountain bikers, day trippers, and wedding parties - this list is not exhaustive. All of these people come to this area of the Lakes due to its peace, tranquillity and beauty. To introduce a THRILL seeking ride would change drastically the appeal of this area of the Lakes. Undoubtedly it can be argued that some new visitors would arrive in the valley & village, but many other existing visitors would be turned away.
However it is not the perceived economic downfalls or benefits that should be the controlling factor here, it should more so be the reality that Glenridding & the English Lake District is one of the most beautiful mountainous areas in the world. People travel from all over the world to come & see it for its natural beauty, peacefulness, manicured farmland & raw nature that is & has been preserved by organisations such as the National Trust, LDNPA, FOLD etc, funded many years ago by people, such as Beatrix Potter & others, to keep this beauty & way of living for all to enjoy.
Add this to the fact that many of the local people do not want such a development & there are also houses at the bottom of the valley who would be greatly affected. There are a house & hostels at the top of the valley who would also be directly affected (4 zip wires running directly over or within 25m's of their properties at a frequency of every 5 to 10 minutes as quoted by Mike Turner of Tree Top Treks). It is also worth mentioning the charity organisation who brings under privileged children from city environments to teach them about respecting nature and which may well face eviction from its current home to make way for the Zip Wire. Then there are all the other walkers, climbers & other valley & mountain users who will be affected. There is also the obvious issue of the massive amount of extra traffic to be generated on a stated bridleway (not road) - at least one large mini-bus/land-train every 20 to 30 minutes – this on a bridlepath the National park themselves have been looking to reduce traffic on with local residents in the last few years. Then there is the massive noise disruption and pollution to the valley, the people who live in it & use it, and the bird & animal populations. The list of practical and tangible issues and objections is endless.
Overall though the fundamental point remains - such a proposed development is certainly not in keeping with any of the surrounding environment & it is on these grounds & these grounds alone that ANY zip proposal, let alone a Mile long set of 4 parallel Zip Wires should never be considered for Glenridding, or any other such Lakeland Valley or area.
There might well be room for a new Zip Wire Development in the Lake District, but beautiful Lakeland Valleys should not be part of this plan. There are already 3 or more zip wire developments in the Lakes, which are based in new woodland, planted for growth, where noise generated is muffled by the surrounding environment. Should such an idea be considered, then surely this type of location is more suitable than a quiet & tranquil valley such as Greenside above Glenridding.
The National Park themselves have already stated in their planning advice statement issued to the company concerned in April 2014 that they have significant concerns, including
• The impact of development upon the landscape and character of the area
• Access, traffic, travel and safeguarding the rights of way network
• The impact of development upon the Scheduled Ancient Monument
• The impact of development upon contaminated land
• The impact of development upon ground stability and conditions
• The impact of development upon the residential amenity of nearby dwellings (e.g. as a result of noise)
• Ecological impacts (particularly impacts upon the SAC and the SSSI)
Given that the land on which the starting point of the Zip Wire is proposed is owned by the Lake District National Park authority it is surely sensible for them to stop this idea now before it develops any further.
Glenridding is supported in its entirety by the tourist trade - walkers, climbers, runners, mountain bikers, day trippers, and wedding parties - this list is not exhaustive. All of these people come to this area of the Lakes due to its peace, tranquillity and beauty. To introduce a THRILL seeking ride would change drastically the appeal of this area of the Lakes. Undoubtedly it can be argued that some new visitors would arrive in the valley & village, but many other existing visitors would be turned away.
However it is not the perceived economic downfalls or benefits that should be the controlling factor here, it should more so be the reality that Glenridding & the English Lake District is one of the most beautiful mountainous areas in the world. People travel from all over the world to come & see it for its natural beauty, peacefulness, manicured farmland & raw nature that is & has been preserved by organisations such as the National Trust, LDNPA, FOLD etc, funded many years ago by people, such as Beatrix Potter & others, to keep this beauty & way of living for all to enjoy.
Add this to the fact that many of the local people do not want such a development & there are also houses at the bottom of the valley who would be greatly affected. There are a house & hostels at the top of the valley who would also be directly affected (4 zip wires running directly over or within 25m's of their properties at a frequency of every 5 to 10 minutes as quoted by Mike Turner of Tree Top Treks). It is also worth mentioning the charity organisation who brings under privileged children from city environments to teach them about respecting nature and which may well face eviction from its current home to make way for the Zip Wire. Then there are all the other walkers, climbers & other valley & mountain users who will be affected. There is also the obvious issue of the massive amount of extra traffic to be generated on a stated bridleway (not road) - at least one large mini-bus/land-train every 20 to 30 minutes – this on a bridlepath the National park themselves have been looking to reduce traffic on with local residents in the last few years. Then there is the massive noise disruption and pollution to the valley, the people who live in it & use it, and the bird & animal populations. The list of practical and tangible issues and objections is endless.
Overall though the fundamental point remains - such a proposed development is certainly not in keeping with any of the surrounding environment & it is on these grounds & these grounds alone that ANY zip proposal, let alone a Mile long set of 4 parallel Zip Wires should never be considered for Glenridding, or any other such Lakeland Valley or area.