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OFCOM Apply media rules fairly

The Russia Today (RT) news programme, which many in Britain look to for more accurate, objective and impartial reporting on world affairs, recently opened a broadcasting studio in London.

Now OFCOM is threatening RT with sanctions and possible shutdown on the grounds of alleged "lack of balance" and "bias" in its reporting. RT has agreed to abide by the rules - as long as OFCOM treats other broadcasters in the same way - but it claims it has no remit to monitor the output of the BBC, which surveys have shown to be routinely biased.

Why is this important?

As part of its claim to be a modern democracy, the UK has a nominal commitment to defend freedom of speech and freedom of the press. This implies accepting the right of those with alternative views to have their voices heard, even if those views challenge governments and vested economic interests.


2015-05-09 22:06:30 +0100

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