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To: The Rt Hon Matthew Hancock MP (Cabinet Office)

Official Recognition for our Veterans

Fighting for official recognition for our forgotten Veterans and against the appalling treatment by the HD Committee after the recent Medallic recognition review.

Why is this important?

Imagine being asked to lay your life on the line for your Country, now imagine being given no option to do otherwise, this was the case for many of our National Servicemen. Imagine further being forced to stand and watch Nuclear explosions, without the knowledge it would cause you and your families serious medical issues and often death. Imagine you and your family running the risk of being shot or blown up every day, not in a war zone but here in the UK by PIRA just for wanting to defend our fellow countrymen. I’ll not ask you to imagine dozens of other scenarios our armed forces were asked to perform as part of their ‘normal duties’. You haven’t been asked to because others before us have done so for generations. They have previously asked for nothing in return, but we think they deserve an official symbol of this country’s gratitude.

This sounds like something any government would want to do doesn’t it? After all Her Majesty has already authorised similar recognition for our Kin in Australia and New Zealand. But Hang on, this governments says absolutely not!!

This doesn’t sound like something that could possibly happen in Britain in 2015. But for our Veterans reaching the twilight of their life see a Country that has forgotten these selfless acts of loyalty and duty in maintaining the freedoms we enjoy today.

The scandal of a recent medal review has been swept under a carpet and kept out of the public domain with Freedom of Information acts being rejected in order to protect a Government which openly sneers at our brave Veterans. Official documents will not be released, why?

Sign the petition now to make sure that the Cabinet Office and MOD hears our message: stop ignoring our veterans contribution and issue an NDM. Please click here to add your name:

Wherever you stand on our Armed Forces, treating our veterans in such a shabby and disrespectful way is not the decency mark of a civilised society. 38 Degrees members stand for fairness, and we work together to make Britain a more compassionate place. Fighting for recognition for our forgotten Veterans and against the appalling treatment of those most willing to protect our freedoms will help create the kind of Britain we want to see.

This is an issue of great National importance as it reflects the way in which our country values and recognises the commitment of those young men and women who keep our country safe and free. It takes into account the unique circumstances of serving in the armed forces, the loss of a high level of personal freedom, the inherent risk of being a member of the armed forces, being subject to Military law and the commitment of the individual to put country before self. It recognised and honours both those who serve now and will serve in the future and those who have served, been injured, maimed and killed in the line of duty regardless of when or where that duty took place.

Can you sign the petition now to give our veterans the recognition they deserve.

How it will be delivered

Depending on the number of signatures gained, but we will certainly consider hand delivery and a press conference.




2016-05-31 16:01:59 +0100

Those of you who missed out on the SIlver Jubilee Medal may be interested in this
"Silver Jubilee medal increased award campaign.
May I bring this petition to all members of this forum who may be entitled to this medal.
as funds are now available in the sliver jubilee trust a petition is being made to increase the award of the QSJM to ALL servicemen and women who were serving at the time.
Please sign this petition."
Campaign Admin

2016-05-29 14:17:47 +0100

At their conference RBL Scotland voted to call on the RBL to support the campaign for a National Defence Medal. The suggestion read out in open forum received overwhelming support, with only 2 hands against. Their CEO will now take this forward and report back to members.

Well done the Jocks for leading the way.

Following our open letter of the 15th May 2016 we have received a reply from the Prime Ministers Office that the matter is under consideration. Link here and scroll to end
Campaign Admin

2016-05-16 13:30:58 +0100

We have just received news that the RBL Inverness Branch have put forward a motion that the RBL amend their Charter to allow for the support of the National Defence Medal. This is excellent news. The motion was passed with overwhelming support and their CEO will now take this forward to the National Level.
Link here for details. (scroll to bottom on page)
A BIG thank you to all who stoood up to be counted.
Campaign Admin

2016-05-15 18:36:08 +0100

The Chairman has written an Open Letter to the Prime Minister regarding the shameful way in which the HD Committe dealt with the Recommendations from the Holmes Review.
He has also written to the Honours and Awards Committee regarding the case for a Cold War Medal which was never properly considered in its own right.
He has also responded to the last reply from the Cabinet Office and written again to Mark Lancaster MP who so artfully dodged saying anything in response to our original letter to him.
Copies of the communications can be found here:
Scroll to end.
Further the Campaign is now calling for a Public Enquiry into the handling by the HD Committee of the Holmes Review.
Campaign Admin

2016-05-15 07:58:55 +0100

6,600 signatures reached. Many thanks to all those who have recently signed up. Please keep spreading the word around family and friends. Appreciated
Campaign Admin

2016-05-13 22:27:32 +0100

6,500 signatures reached
Campaign Admin

2016-05-07 14:28:40 +0100

The Chairman did a short interview with BFBS Radio on the 4th May 2016. Given the connection and their funding via the MOD he wasn't able to say anything political and we are not 100% sure if the interview will actually get aired given the MODs opposition to the award, but feel free to spread the link if you wish. It sets out the purpose for the Campaign in simple terms.

Link Here: 2nd box down
Campaign Admin

2016-05-07 14:25:05 +0100

We received a reply from the Cabinet Office to our last letter of 30th March. It contained a so called answer to my letter to Mark Lancaster MP and Veterans Minister sent on the 7th March 2016 which of course didn't address the issues raised. What it does show is the total lack of respect and the contempt in whch the Governemnt hold veterans as Mr Lancaster couldn't even be bother to put pen to paper to answer direct questions on his misleading statements.

The remainder of the letter is much of the same old, same old. No change there then.

Link below and scroll down to the end:
Campaign Admin

2016-05-05 18:48:44 +0100

Charles Lovelace has just written to the Prime Minister. I believe his comments reflect what we all feel about the way in which the Government has treated this issue. Link here and scroll to end of page.

Campaign Admin

2016-05-04 20:11:11 +0100

6,400 signatures reached.
Campaign Admin

2016-04-26 10:37:05 +0100

6,300 signatures reached. Many thanks to all who signed and for your thoughts and comments.
Campaign Admin

2016-04-22 16:05:27 +0100

6,200 signatures reached.
A BIG thank you to all for supporting the call for an NDM and a BIG thank you to all those MPs who turned up to voice their support for the medal in the debate on the 12th April 2016.
Campaign Admin

2016-04-14 16:13:42 +0100

Link to the debate on the 12th April 2016. An excellent representation from Kirsten Oswald MP. The Governemnt position was all over the place and Roy Wilson's remarks about Sir John Not Recommending the medal are simply nutrue.
Link here:
Campaign Admin

2016-03-31 23:30:14 +0100

I have place a copy of the latest reply from the Cabinet Office dated 23rd March under the NDM Rebuttal Tab along with a copy of our reply dated 30th March 2016. Link here and scroll to the bottom of the page.

Please encourage you local MP to attend the NDM debate on the 12th April and speak on your behalf.

Keep up the good work.
Campaign Admin

2016-03-31 12:41:56 +0100

6,100 signatures reached. Thanks to all who signed.
Campaign Admin