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To: The Rt Hon Matthew Hancock MP (Cabinet Office)

Official Recognition for our Veterans

Fighting for official recognition for our forgotten Veterans and against the appalling treatment by the HD Committee after the recent Medallic recognition review.

Why is this important?

Imagine being asked to lay your life on the line for your Country, now imagine being given no option to do otherwise, this was the case for many of our National Servicemen. Imagine further being forced to stand and watch Nuclear explosions, without the knowledge it would cause you and your families serious medical issues and often death. Imagine you and your family running the risk of being shot or blown up every day, not in a war zone but here in the UK by PIRA just for wanting to defend our fellow countrymen. I’ll not ask you to imagine dozens of other scenarios our armed forces were asked to perform as part of their ‘normal duties’. You haven’t been asked to because others before us have done so for generations. They have previously asked for nothing in return, but we think they deserve an official symbol of this country’s gratitude.

This sounds like something any government would want to do doesn’t it? After all Her Majesty has already authorised similar recognition for our Kin in Australia and New Zealand. But Hang on, this governments says absolutely not!!

This doesn’t sound like something that could possibly happen in Britain in 2015. But for our Veterans reaching the twilight of their life see a Country that has forgotten these selfless acts of loyalty and duty in maintaining the freedoms we enjoy today.

The scandal of a recent medal review has been swept under a carpet and kept out of the public domain with Freedom of Information acts being rejected in order to protect a Government which openly sneers at our brave Veterans. Official documents will not be released, why?

Sign the petition now to make sure that the Cabinet Office and MOD hears our message: stop ignoring our veterans contribution and issue an NDM. Please click here to add your name:

Wherever you stand on our Armed Forces, treating our veterans in such a shabby and disrespectful way is not the decency mark of a civilised society. 38 Degrees members stand for fairness, and we work together to make Britain a more compassionate place. Fighting for recognition for our forgotten Veterans and against the appalling treatment of those most willing to protect our freedoms will help create the kind of Britain we want to see.

This is an issue of great National importance as it reflects the way in which our country values and recognises the commitment of those young men and women who keep our country safe and free. It takes into account the unique circumstances of serving in the armed forces, the loss of a high level of personal freedom, the inherent risk of being a member of the armed forces, being subject to Military law and the commitment of the individual to put country before self. It recognised and honours both those who serve now and will serve in the future and those who have served, been injured, maimed and killed in the line of duty regardless of when or where that duty took place.

Can you sign the petition now to give our veterans the recognition they deserve.

How it will be delivered

Depending on the number of signatures gained, but we will certainly consider hand delivery and a press conference.




2015-07-29 17:13:24 +0100

Here's a link to a video that came out in 2009, and shows the scope and reasons why the campaign exists.

The question is really why any Government would NOT want to recognise service in Defence of the Nation?

Campaign Admin

2015-07-23 16:05:22 +0100

Hi folks,

When you read the comments added by the Veterans it reminds us all why this campaign is so important. The Conservative Party in the form of the Government have dismissed the very strong case put forward by the National Defence Medal Team. Whilst we were promised that the review would be open and transparent and that the various Veterans Groups the NDM covers would be consulted, this never happened. Instead what appears to be a very short review was held in secrecy and since then the MOD have shut up shop refusing to answer any requests the Team have made to them to discover on what basis they made their decision.

Whilst the rate of signatures supporting the campaign has slowed that was to be expected as the summer holidays kicked in, but if you can all re-double your individual efforts to spread the word then hopefully we can keep things on track and show substantial public support for this long over-due recognition. Thanks again for signing. Campaign Admin.

2015-07-19 18:40:12 +0100

3,311 signatures so far; excellent and thank you all. We hope you are all enjoying the good weather providing it’s in your area! Would there be anyone out there with a contact in the printing industry or anyone who would have the time and like to get a bit more active in the campaign?

We’d like to establish contacts across the country so that any future action could be done at a National Level. As past negotiations so far have been conducted in a very business like way then much of what goes on is somewhat invisible unless you have the time to visit the main site and read all the background and past documents. If you'd like to get involved please contact the Campaign Website.
Many thanks Campaign Admin.

2015-07-14 18:16:41 +0100

Firstly a BIG Thank You to all those who have signed up so far and thank you to those who have taken the time to add a comment or story. Your support is very much appreciated. Can we ask you to spread the word through friends and family please, we would like to try and reach as many people as possible. The campaign is off to a good start and will go a long way to help raise public awareness of the struggle for proper recognition for our veterans. Campaign Admin.

2015-06-24 20:29:49 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2015-06-24 10:42:17 +0100

500 signatures reached

2015-06-24 08:15:57 +0100

If you haven't seen the recent NDM video now is as good a time as any, the message is clear:

2015-06-23 16:44:07 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-06-23 15:54:03 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-06-23 15:42:36 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-06-23 13:27:26 +0100

10 signatures reached