100 signatures reached
To: High Court and Natural England
Overturn the decision to allow gamekeeper to shoot and kill buzzards

Over-turn the decision to grant a gamekeeper who raises pheasants to be shot for sport, a licence to kill buzzards to protect his "livelihood". This decision is criticised by the RSPB who say it sets a worrying precedent -. What will be next, red kites, peregrines etc. Why should the livelihood of someone providing birds for the rich to kill be protected by allowing him to kill beautiful birds of prey? What good to society does his livelihood represent?
Why is this important?
It is important to protect our wild birds and birds of prey. Buzzards were hunted to near extinction in the 19th century but have recovered to become of the most common birds in Northumberland. The reasons such as buzzards: will sometimes take young pheasantsand, or; the protection of gamekeepers livelihoods, are not good enough reasons for killing these beautiful native birds. Additionally, pheasants are a non-native bird which is reared for commercial shooting.