Dear Supporter
Climate change charity 10:10 are launching a new campaign called ‘Blown Away’, celebrating the wonders of onshore wind. They’ve set up a petition demanding that dirty fossil fuel electricity is not given more financial support than clean onshore wind power - and it needs your support.
A new poll shows that ¾ of the UK public support onshore wind. It's one of the cheapest forms of energy out there, it's quick to build, its low carbon and its perfect for a windy country like ours.
Despite this, the government have stripped onshore wind of financial support, even as they prepare to hand hundreds of millions to gas, coal and diesel generation this winter.
As you supported the campaign to reinstate subsidies for onshore wind, we thought you’d like to be the first know about this new, exciting campaign to take things to the next level.
Let's show government we won’t let them hang wind out to dry! Sign the petition and find out more now.
To: David Cameron and Amber Rudd
Save Onshore Wind!
This campaign has now closed, it's being merged with the 1010 Blown Away petition, being handed own on 16/11/16