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To: James Harding, Director of News and Current Affairs

People Powered Headlines - Reform the BBC News

Implement an online rolling referendum allowing the public to choose which headlines are broadcast on BBC news outlets.

Why is this important?

The BBC has always professed to a 'non-bias' standing, yet without public involvement in the News selection process ANY form of auditioning can be seen as agenda bias.

We are in the age of technology and as such the majority of the general public have at their availability a wealth of news items from across the internet. I would argue that the daily high profile news topics broadcast to the country via the BBC's television and radio programmes should be determined by THE PEOPLE.

A rolling billboard of News stories voted up in importance by the general public would broaden the spectrum of what is determined News from that of one organisation to the entire country - should they choose to participate.

Not only would this reinvigorate people's interests in current affairs, reinstall some faith in the BBC and be a truly revolutionary concept - it would allow the PEOPLE to influence the pervading tone of society.


2015-05-31 11:18:01 +0100

10 signatures reached