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To: All MPs

Preventing Identity Theft

To make it mandatory for shops and credit suppliers to perform verifiable identity checks using passport/citizen card/driving license when supplying a credit agreement.

Why is this important?

Failure to undertake appropriate identity checks makes it very easy for criminals to use a stolen identity to obtain goods on credit.

Victims of identity fraud now have to report the crime to a central fraud investigation unit who may or may not decide to investigate. This delay can lead to more uses of the stolen identity which can adversely affect the victim's credit rating and lead to tremendous levels of stress as letters arrive demanding money for goods obtained on credit.

Common routes used for this type of fraud are mobile phone companies, store cards and catalogues. In theory, the current security checks should minimise criminal opportunities, however many shop and call centre staff do not always check fully at the point of sale. If it were mandatory for a verifiable photo ID such as passport, citizen card or driving license to be part of the application process this would help reduce identity fraud.

Shops whose staff do not run the appropriate checks, thus resulting in a fraudulent application succeeding should also have to compensate the victim for the stress caused.


2015-09-10 02:21:47 +0100

10 signatures reached