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To: Secretary of State for Health

Properly Fund the UK NHS

Ensure there is sufficient public money available to fund the UK National Health Service.
If additional taxation is required to provide the level of service the public want tell them what the implication is rather than privatising a service to reduce costs at current service provision levels.

Why is this important?

We hear about overspending NHS trusts but much of this arises from central government policy to reduce public expenditure without fully appreciating its implication. A recent 38 Degrees campaign refers to changes in medical advances which uses stem cell replacement to treat for bone cancer. Something not available 20 years ago. I recently lost two family members to bone cancer and was advised this was not available. Looking at the local trust it is because it is running short of funding!

The public needs to agree what it requires, the NHS decide how much this will cost and the Secretary of Health and national government advise how much this will cost in taxation. The public then have the choice as to whether to accept the increase taxation or accept a lower level of NHS service.
At present the public have no choice in the matter.
Personally I prefer to have a NHS service I can rely upon rather than a service which is underfunded or a private sector which is constrained by profits and contracts.
I hope you support this petition



2015-07-18 16:49:24 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-03-22 22:52:32 +0000

10 signatures reached