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To: Theresa May - Prime Minister

Ratify the UK's COP21 climate pledge

The UK's Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) submitted at the COP21 summit in Paris needs to be ratified before COP22. This will make the UK legally tied to the targets set out in the INDC and show us as a leader of action on climate change.

Why is this important?

The health of the environment is crucial to our ability to survive. Climate change is one of the biggest environmental issues facing us. In order to ensure future generations life on a healthy planet, the UK needs to make itself liable to act on the pledges made at the COP21 summit to cut carbon emissions.

We cannot allow Brexit to cloud the importance of addressing the international impacts of climate change.



2016-09-26 11:25:31 +0100

61 parties have now ratified the Paris Agreement and they account for just over 47% of global emissions. Just another 8% to be accounted for before the Paris Agreement can come into effect. If the UK was to ratify this would account for a further 1.55% of emissions and if the EU as a bloc were to ratify it would push the total emissions accounted for well above the 55% threshold required to set the ball rolling.

2016-08-18 11:37:01 +0100

Keep up the sharing everyone! Momentum is so important to achieve results. It would be great if we could reach 10000 signatures before the 22nd Conference of the Parties this November (COP22).

Sign and pass on!

2016-07-16 20:33:07 +0100

Following the quick hand over to Theresa May and her rearranging of the roles in the cabinet, there will be some significant changes to this petition.
The aim of the petition will remain the same - the goal is to ensure the UK is legally bound to its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) so future generations can enjoy this planet as we have enjoyed it, or better.
I will only be changing who it is targeted at and the time-frame. This is still an urgent matter, we just need to make sure it gets to the right people.

2016-07-05 19:32:27 +0100

Doubled in a day! At this point, I would like to include some of my favourite ‘Reasons for signing’. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and everyone has their own views on climate change and politics, but it is fantastic that we can all come together in support of a common goal.
So, here are a few that stand out to me:
Clive B. - Climate change is a major global long term problem - Brexit must not get in the way of meaningful climate action
Susan S. - All our futures depend on it!
Alistair T. - Because if we don't respect and take care of our environment it won't take care of us.
Kathleen C. - Without taking care of our planet we have no future. There should be no short-cuts.
John W. - Brexit must not be used as some sort of excuse for not acting 'globally'
Helen l. - We need to look after our planet, it’s the only one we've got.
Keeping these people’s thought with you, please spread the word as wide as you can and then hopefully we can make a real difference together!

2016-07-04 22:05:28 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2016-07-04 21:33:37 +0100

I was honestly not expecting such a high number of signatures less than 24 hours after I created this campaign! Thank you for giving it so much traction so soon.

Please spread the word to family and friends because climate change is an issue that will impact us all if we do nothing to curb our emissions.

At this time of political uncertainty is it crucial to show commitment to our environmental goals in order to encourage other countries to do the same!

2016-07-04 19:18:58 +0100

500 signatures reached

2016-07-04 17:39:56 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-07-04 16:09:02 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-07-04 15:19:57 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-07-04 14:42:51 +0100

10 signatures reached