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To: Department of Health UK

Re-Allow Microwave ovens in British schools for the use of students.

To re-allow microwave ovens to be used in the schools in Great Britain by students.

Why is this important?

As you might know the policy of having microwaves in British schools has been changed. Therefore the microwaves has been removed. The new rule is that teacher will microwave the food for the students and then check the temperature to make sure if it is safe to eat. Even the students of age 15 are not allowed.

This might sound like a dumb petition but the students really need it. Imagine you going to office with cold food and then are forced to eat it cold due to being not allowed to use a simple microwave oven.
The students want actions to be taken immediately.

Please sign this petition and help the students in need.


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2021-10-17 23:50:19 +0100

10 signatures reached