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To: Councillors at Poole Borough Council

Re-instate the School Crossing Patrol in Canford Heath

Please re-instate the School Crossing Patrol on the Adastral Road and Sherbourne Cresent junction in Canford Heath

Why is this important?

This road crossing is very dangerous especially during school drop off and pick up times. It is difficult to cross this very busy road during these times for pedestrians, and it is hard for drivers with two very busy junctions in close proximity and restricted views of both sides of the crossing especially when large vehicles including buses are turning. There are three schools within close proximity, Ad Astra First School, Haymoor Junior School and Magna Academy making this crossing very busy with a large proportion of pupils crossing without an adult.
From a pedestrian point of view, the junction has been deemed too dangerous for an individual to stop the traffic, yet it is ok for our children to be left to cross the road alone. People are witnessing children stuck on the island in the middle of the road waiting for cars to stop, which is incredibly dangerous.
From a driver’s point of view - without the school crossing patrol - the pupils assume the traffic will stop and wait. There can be a constant stream of pupils attempting to cross the road which is causing traffic jams down Adastral Road. Driver’s do not want to stop due to the high volume of people waiting and it halting their journey. There have been a couple of instances where traffic has gone to pull away and a child has run across the crossing, making it very dangerous.
Adastral Road, Poole

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