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To: David Cameron, The Prime Minister

Refresh the Education Secretary, Michael Gove

Replace the Education Secretary, Michael Gove, with someone who has a feel for education and the needs of young people.

Why is this important?

Michael Gove believes "...that from time to time you need to refresh the person who is in charge of an organisation." Time to refresh the Education Secretary. Michael Gove has repeatedly shown that his ideas are out of step with those of experienced education professionals. It is high time he is replaced by someone with competence in the field.



2014-02-28 17:57:32 +0000

100 signatures reached

2014-02-08 21:48:04 +0000

50 signatures reached

2014-02-05 09:53:01 +0000

25 signatures reached

2014-02-03 22:15:21 +0000

10 signatures reached