To: NINTENDO LTD (Shigeru Miyamoto in particular)

Remove Blue Shells From Mario Kart Wii.

Please remove blue shells from this otherwise excellent game. They are hindering people's enjoyment of a game they would otherwise be having a good time playing. If the party is unwilling to remove this item from the game then I urge them to tweak it a little, perhaps add longer immunity frames.

Why is this important?

You're in first place, you have put in EFFORT to be there. You feel pride and accomplishment in this achievement. Nothing feels worse than being punished for said effort. This punishment comes in the form of a blue shell sent from those who are less skilled than you are, who have put in less EFFORT than you. Furthermore, if you have been unlucky enough to be hit with a blue shell, it is more than likely your opponents will be cruel enough to further bombard you. This simply adds needless insult to injury and may even cause the player to feel worthless and stop caring about the result of the game.