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To: The Guardian political editor

Report Green Party gains across the UK

Take note of the local election successes of the Green Party, who won many new seats both in London and across the UK, and came second and third in many other wards. Consider the number of seats the GPEW would have won under proportional representation. You have the skills - do the analysis!
Take note of the European Election successes of the Green Party.
Report on each of these, and stop referring to UKIP as the 4th party in the UK. The Green Party began to displace the Lib Dems in the last London Assembly elections. So stop ignoring the boring, sensible old Green Party in favour of sensational, scary UKIP.

Why is this important?

Ignoring the rise in Green Party successes membership is an obvious move towards discrediting them. You are telling your readers that the Green Party is a negligible entity, which discourages them from voting for this party. This kind of partiality and political complacency is extremely disappointing in one of the most respected newspapers of the UK - a newspaper that likes to remind its readers of the prizes it's won.


2019-05-03 06:16:04 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-05-29 10:05:19 +0100

10 signatures reached