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To: HM Government

Restrict commercial use of Drones

Commercial Interests, eg Amazon, are pushing aggressively for the commercial use of drones to be allowed in the UK.

I want the use of drones to be limited to 'offical' users such as law enforcement and emergency services. Any recreational or commercial use should be subject to careful monitoring and in no case be allowed to -

1 - invade the privacy of citizens
2 - become a nuisance, esp noise pollution
3 - endanger commercial air traffic
4 - be used for criminal or terrorist activities

Local authorities at the county level should be empowered to enforce regulations and adjust them to local conditions or demands.

Why is this important?

A very small but vocal lobby is pushing another 'innovation' of questionable value through the legislative system. Citizens must be allowed to have the final say on drone use as the air above our heads should not become a playground for the few and be a threat to our health and safety.



2016-07-29 13:30:58 +0100

10 signatures reached