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To: Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs

Revise Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976

The DWAA 1976 needs revision. There are many species that are not currently covered by a Dangerous Wild Animal License that should be including some that are lethal. In addition I believe a tiered system is needed as presently there is no distinction between a moderately dangerous animal and one that presents a real threat to life.

Why is this important?

The list of genera/species covered by the act is woefully dated. For example, Sicarius sp. The Six Eyed Sand Spider, is not even covered by the license despite being absolutely lethal. This species is being readily kept without any restrictions whatsoever. At a minimum this petition is to get this particular genus added to the Act, an acknowledgement that this species requires licensing. Going further than this i would see a tiered system introduced with two levels of animal. Lethal and Dangerous. At present the same regulations and criteria to keep a Black Widow (which is comparatively harmless despite it's reputation) would also allow an individual to keep an Alligator. Clearly this is a situation that cannot be allowed to continue. There needs to be a distinction between animals that can be kept with minimal precautions by responsible and experienced individuals and those species that require much greater controls be in place.


2015-11-09 08:59:56 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-11-08 16:21:40 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-11-07 23:45:55 +0000

10 signatures reached