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To: Jeremy Hunt, Minister for Health

Rule out privatisation of profitable services

Privatising our services is effectively theft from the public purse: you are entrusted by the public to run our services, not give them away to friends and relatives for profit.
If a service is making a profit, then it is most definitely not in need of any fiddling from ministers who care even less than they understand - we want you to commit to retain public services in public hands, especially those generating a profit.
(This is not a free licence to sabotage them first so you can say, "look, it's costly!" - we see you doing that too)

Why is this important?

Last year, the NHS Professionals department (the NHS internal recruitment agency) actually made a profit of 8 million pounds. No sooner is this information available than internal sources confirm a privatisation deal is in the works. (See link at the end) This is a scandalous betrayal of the Health Service, on a par with the deliberate alienation of nurses and junior doctors.
(It's worth mentioning that the only reason a department of the NHS can generate a profit is because of the "internal market" system that exists in NHS England - essentially, it's Mum paying Dad to cut the grass, then Dad paying Mum to make dinner: it's a wasteful circle of money that exists only as a precursor to back-door privatisation)
Our public money should remain in public services, not go to the cosy friends and relatives of government ministers through privatisation deals. It's our money. It's our service. It's our say. And we say enough is enough.



2016-04-02 17:15:50 +0100

10 signatures reached