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To: Bathnes Council

Safer Routes to School

Take pro-active action towards improving the pedestrian access from local residential areas to all schools by consulting parents directly and making designated crossing routes throughout Bath a priority.

Why is this important?

Dear Leader of Bath and North East Somerset Council.

To get my three children (8, 6 and 4) to school I have to cross a busy main road. This road is so busy that we usually have to stand on the tiny courtesy crossing in the middle of the road – that's me, at least three children, the odd scooter, school bags and other paraphernalia – and wait for a break in the traffic. In the middle of the road. This is not a safe way to get to and from school.

I have spoken to other parents with similar complaints about walking their children to school safely. They too have to wait on so-called courtesy crossings to get across the road. They have to catch the eye of drivers in order to cross the road safely. They have to squeeze past lorries parked on the pavement. They have to step out between parked cars to cross the road to school.

This is unacceptable.

We are asking you, the council, to commit to our manifesto for Safer Routes to Schools. The objectives are listed below.

No parent or child should have to rely on the courtesy of a driver to cross the road on the way to school.

No parent or child should have to wait in the middle of the road to complete a crossing on the way to school.

No parent or child should have to make eye contact with vehicle drivers to cross the road on the way to school.

No parent or child should have to walk more than 150 metres out of their way to get to a safe crossing on the way to school.

No parent or child should have to squeeze past cars or lorries parked on the pavement on the way to school.

The council will commit to consulting on designated safe routes to school that fulfil the above criteria within six months of taking office.

The council will consult school PTAs and other parent groups across Bath within this timeframe.

The council will install the required safe crossings within six months of the completed consultation.

Safer Routes to Schools would have many benefits. These include reduced pollution, less traffic congestion and healthier children. Most importantly, if our children can walk to school along designated safe routes our children can have some of the freedom and independence they desperately need.

Bath wants to be a child-friendly city. Making the roads safe for our children to cross is the best way to achieve that.

Best wishes

Lou Abercrombie

How it will be delivered

Via email and social media.


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2019-02-17 18:22:38 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-04-15 21:31:10 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-04-15 17:21:33 +0100

10 signatures reached