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To: Argyll and Bute Council Access Officer

Save Castle Toward Public Access

Please officially recognise the Public Right of Way at Castle Toward

Why is this important?

Castle Toward has been in public ownership for over 20 years. During that time the public has made extensive use of the grounds for a wide range of activities including walking, cycling and horse riding. Paths in the area date back to Victorian times.

Nobody knows what the future holds for the estate. It is now December 2015 and Castle Toward does not appear to have actually been sold yet. Once sold it may eventually be resold, or even broken up, and access to the grounds might be lost.

Since May, before the Council had even announced it had a prospective buyer, the Council has been asked to officially recognise an important and popular route through the estate as a Public Right of Way. That recognition will enable the Scottish Rights of Way and Access Society to record the route in the National Catalogue of Rights of Way which will give some protection to access for future generations.

Please help to get the Council to finally make a decision by signing this petition.

Even better why not also get the Council to take account of your own use of the estate by downloading this form and returning it to the Council. The form contains a map of the Right of Way with some interesting features marked. Just click on the link below (or cut and paste it into a browser) then select download.

The form asks for a signature but you can just type your name in and send it to the Council email address at the end of the form.

You don't need to live in the area or to have used the route frequently for your form to count. You do need to have used the route without asking permission. The longer ago you first used the route the better, we need to show usage for over twenty years. Ideally you will have used the route shown in the form end-to-end, but use of any part of it helps to show its importance.

If you have not used the route then why not visit Castle Toward over the festive period for a pleasant walk and then return the form!

Toward, Argyll and Bute

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2016-09-05 12:06:02 +0100

On 31/Aug/2016 a Masterplan was submitted for Castle Toward which effectively prevents public access. The plan includes erection of fencing, charging for access and preventing people crossing the car park at the mansion. The plan ignores the recently recognised Right of Way at the estate.

The plans can be found on the Council website;

Please object to these plans and also request that the Council, since it has a vested interest in the sale, should refer all planning matters at Castle Toward to Scottish Ministers.

Please also support recognition of a second Right of Way the forms for which can be found here;

2016-07-09 17:20:52 +0100

Great news, the public now has a documented right to use the route shown in red on the map accompanying the 38 Degrees petition as it has now been recorded in the National Catalogue of Rights Of Way (CROW) .
The public also has a right to use the main drive at Castle Toward from the Memorial Hall to the first turn-off to the left towards Strathclyde Cottage as that is designated as Core Path.
However there is a gap of about 150m between the turn-off and the Right of Way that has just been recorded. That is why it is so important that the second Right of Way should also be recognised as it permits the public to travel all the way up the drive and along the main path to the ruined castle – which is the most used route.
If you have walked/cycled/ridden up the drive and along the main path to the ruined Castle then please help to have that Right of Way recorded by returning the forms which can be found here to the Council.

2016-06-24 16:28:34 +0100

Have you walked up the main drive at Castle Toward and then followed the path along to the ruined castle?

If you have then please submit a form asking the Council to recognise that route as a Public Right of Way so that you and others can continue to do the same.

The forms can be found here;

2016-06-07 10:04:30 +0100

Extract from ScotWays objection to change of use planning application 16/00996/PP;

“After analysis of these forms we consider the evidence indicates that the route does appear to satisfy the criteria to be a public right of way. To date, we have not received any information that leads us to believe it is not one. It is important to note that the route claimed by the local community as a right of way passes through the area shaded pink in the plan, indicating that it could potentially be affected by the proposed change of use. There is not enough information currently available to show us that public access will be maintained should this application be given consent. Therefore, we ask that this route be preserved through the estate, and furthermore that it forms part of an access management plan secured via a planning condition.”

2016-06-07 10:03:31 +0100

Extract from Scottish Ramblers objection to change of use planning application 16/00996/PP;

“The planning application states that there will be no changes to public paths, rights of way or rights of access. However, although the exact future use of the castle and ancilliary accommodation is unclear, it is very likely that the curtilage of these buildings will be drawn more widely than currently is the case and cover areas where public access is currently enjoyed. Therefore we are objecting to this plan unless the developers are required to produce an access plan, to be developed in consultation with the council and the local community, as a planning condition if this application is approved.”

2016-05-10 22:45:36 +0100

Progress is being made to have the Right of Way recorded in the National Catalogue of Rights of Way (CROW). However a planning application for Castle Toward has recently been lodged and, since the Right of Way has not yet been recorded the Council can ignore it when considering the planning application.

Please object to the planning application. If sufficient people object the Council have to refer the matter to Scottish Ministers.

The application for Castle Toward Mansion to become a Dwelling House can be found here;

If approved the planning application could be used to block all access through the heart of the estate including your "right to roam" so please do object.

J Haldane

2016-04-08 15:23:45 +0100

On 1/April/2016 the Council stated that the information supplied on 45 forms for a Public Right of Way was "inconclusive".

The best way to change this for more people to submit forms to the Council, they are simple to complete and can be found here;

It is great to see that over 500 people have now signed the petition but the Right of Way forms are the most important thing.

Ideally people will have openly walked the route more than 20 years ago without asking permission. However showing any use of any part of the route helps make the case. You don't need to be living or have lived in the area to return a from to the Council.

We can still win this!

2016-04-08 09:12:26 +0100

500 signatures reached

2016-02-21 16:41:09 +0000

The Council first got applications to recognise the Castle Toward Right of Way in June 2015. It is now February 2016 and they have still not given a decision!

If you feel that the Council, in taking such a long time to process the application, is failing in it duties you can complain by submitting a simple online Council form here;

The advantage of complaining in this way is that the Council have to respond in a fixed time and it opens up the possibility of the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman becoming involved.

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) observe that some Local Authorities
"... have compiled lists of all claimed rights of way, with little attempt to verify their legal status".
Clearly the delay by Argyll and Bute Council is completely out of order and it can only be assumed they have some ulterior motive for it.

2015-12-23 15:37:12 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-12-23 08:39:23 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-12-23 06:03:35 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-12-23 00:06:05 +0000

10 signatures reached