25 signatures reached
save colchester street traders from 400% rent hike and change of location

Let the street traders continue trading in their current positions seven days a week and no to moving and being charged a extra 300 to 400% rent hike.
Why is this important?
We are street traders in Colchester there is a handful of us. Many street traders have worked in the town for decades. We trade seven days a week providing goods for our local community. Over the years street traders have built trust with the community and have been rewarded with the local communities loyal custom. The council has served notice to the traders we now have 20 days to save our businesses ,save our staff from being made unemployed. We have been model tenants contributing tens of thousands to the councils treasury. So why in these times of austerity with public services being cut is the council taking away funds from the public purse. By the council relocating traders from their current established positions and raising rents by 300-400% they are most definitely forcing the hard working street trader out of business. We urge the public to save us as we feel that over the years we have contributed to the local economy and provided a service for the public. This is your local public service that the council would like to take away so please show your support.