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To: Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt

Save East Kent Hospitals' Services

Oppose and prevent the closure, cuts and downgrading of East Kent Hospitals.

Why is this important?

The East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust (EKHUNHSFT) is responsible for five hospitals across East Kent. In a recent meeting with the interim CEO of the trust, Chris Bown, 38 Degrees members learned that A&E and maternity services were at risk of closure.

He stated that “current provision is unsustainable in East Kent”. He warned that there will be proposals released early next year that will be "radical and substantial". He added that the proposals will be "politically controversial" and that he fully expected public protest. A&E and maternity services were highlighted as particularly vulnerable.

Chris Bown’s previous six month appointment at Stafford Hospital resulted in the loss of the hospital’s A&E and consultant led maternity services. He has been given a twelve month contract at EKHUNHSFT to carry out similar cuts.

It would be totally unacceptable to close or cut any of Kent’s A&E departments in Ashford, or Thanet They serve a large and growing population and the closure of one, let alone two, would result in greatly increased journey times leading to unnecessary deaths. Likewise, retaining the existing consultant led maternity services at all sites is essential for the safety of mothers and new born babies.

Closure of any of the existing services will place unmanageable strain on the rest of East Kent’s health provision.

The safety of East Kent residents cannot be allowed to be compromised in this way.

East Kent

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2015-10-01 20:04:37 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-10-01 13:15:48 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-10-01 09:04:25 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-09-30 22:44:52 +0100

10 signatures reached