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To: South Tyneside Clinical Commissioning Group

Save Jarrow Walk In Centre

Keep open the Walk In Centre at Palmer's Hospital Jarrow

Why is this important?

The Walk In Centre is easily accessible and an excellent service used by more than 27,000 people last year. Local people are very concerned at the prospect of losing this local facility and feel the District Hospital in South Shields as an alternative is out of the way. Waiting 2 weeks to see a GP is not an option for worried parents with poorly kids, the elderly, and vulnerable patients. The Walk In Centre is a prime example of Right Treatment, Right Time, Right Place.
Walk In Centre Palmer's Hospital Jarrow NE32 3UX

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2015-02-02 22:08:29 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2014-07-15 10:02:42 +0100

Local councillors not happy at low profile consultation that many people haven't heard of - looking for a month's extension. No information in surgeries, libraries or the Walk In Centre itself. CCG exec meeting on Thursday 17th July - haven't agreed as yet! Keep signing! No decision about us without us!

2014-07-09 12:14:51 +0100

500 signatures reached

2014-07-05 10:33:26 +0100

100 signatures reached

2014-07-05 09:15:24 +0100

50 signatures reached

2014-07-05 08:11:38 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-07-04 20:25:49 +0100

10 signatures reached