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To: 2000 Community Action Centre Management Commitee

Petition to Stop our Community Cafe being privately leased

Stop private lease plans for our Community Cafe - engage and consult the Community and it's stakeholders about changes to their community resources.

Why is this important?

Our Community Cafe is an important space. It is a vital part of our community used by the old, the young, families, residents with mental health issues and other vulnerable members of our community. Community support is being achieved in this space and will be quickly lost to us as a community because;

A decision has been made to lease out our Community Cafe to a non community organisation from the middle of October.

It is unbelievable to see that the Community have been disregarded and not asked to get involved in discussions about this Community resource.

Our community is full of wonderful caring people with skills and ideas to build on the work already achieved and we are entitled to be engaged in conversations about the fate of our Community resources and how they are run for the benefit of the Community it serves now and in the future-

Engage us

2000 Community Action Centre, Grove Street, London SE8 3PG

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2014-11-13 11:48:16 +0000

November 2014
A meeting took place on 23 October with the management committee of the Community Centre and Labour Councillors - Unfortunately it did not bring the answers to the community's questions only further disbelief in the dysfunctional way our resources are being allowed to be mis-managed. The Management Committee justify their decision is mandate essentially because they are unable to engage our community and quite clearly do not see the potential in our community. We have informed labour councillors and Lewisham Council rep that we have 10 Community Resident Members ready to join the board of the committee to ensure the community is engaged but again as the petition was ignored, so too the new would be board members are ignored and left without a welcome to the board-
We have Community Revival meeting Monday 17th November at the 2000 Community Action Centre please spread the word -
Please support Community Cafe by using it on those Mondays and Tuesdays. Thank you

2014-11-08 20:50:23 +0000

25 signatures reached

2014-10-14 22:57:53 +0100

The councillors have not been reactive or proactive and the cafe is now in private hands starting tomorrow 15 October Wednesday to Saturday.
Mondays and Tuesdays the Cafe is a "community cafe" so only use it on those days and please continue to sign the petition to keep up the community revival strong. We will continue to try and bring about our stronger community supporting each other and protecting our resources.

2014-10-08 22:35:21 +0100

October 6 We have presented the Management Committee with 154 written signatures and a resolution to demand that the proposed changes to the Grove Community Cafe are suspended until there is proper and transparent consultation with our community and it's stakeholders.

The Management committee have chosen to disregard the community's request and have released a statement promoting the lease arrangement of the Cafe from 13 October.
This matter has now been raised with Local Ward Councillors we will try and keep everyone posted.

2014-10-06 13:17:08 +0100

10 signatures reached