Please review the plans read the Design Impact and help us object to the Austerity school build. on the link;
The standardised designs offer less flexibility in design in order to reduce construction costs.
It's a “factory” style building, not a state of the art or inspirational educational, environment - classrooms reduced in size built next to the railway and main road, by new Neptune Wharf 220+ new homes 1 x 8 and 2 x 13 storey blocks - no money is going into the school build from the council but receiving money from all local redevelopments for school places!!! (£1,300,000.00 from just one local development) smaller classrooms than we have now, we lose 50% overall space as 210 extra children eventually will occupy same site, we could have extra rooftop play space, we could have part of Scawen Road incorporated into the school grounds extending school play space, - 180 new reception places have been opened close by!
To: Steve Bullock Mayor of Lewisham and the EFA
Save Sir Francis Drake Primary School from Demolition

Dear Mayor and EFA
Please don't demolish our well maintained school to replace it with the Lewisham's first ever "Baseline design" Austerity school. This is all for 30 reception places we need more Lewisham have more regeneration planned since this began. We have not been engaged throughout until November 30 when they had to present the plans as part of the pre application planning consultation and we are told what has been decided no input required it is a horrific build 11 square metres carved of classroom sizes see more here....
Please don't demolish our well maintained school to replace it with the Lewisham's first ever "Baseline design" Austerity school. This is all for 30 reception places we need more Lewisham have more regeneration planned since this began. We have not been engaged throughout until November 30 when they had to present the plans as part of the pre application planning consultation and we are told what has been decided no input required it is a horrific build 11 square metres carved of classroom sizes see more here....
Why is this important?
Pre application planning consultation shows Austerity design is worse than anticipated due to Lewisham council not putting funding in to this which they could from the redevelopments that are causing need for school places.
Sir Francis Drake Primary school is in one of Lewisham boroughs most deprived areas Evelyn Ward, it a local one form entry community school with capacity for 210 children.
52% of school pupils are have English as a second language,
41% are on free school meals and the proportion of disabled pupils and special educational needs is above average.
Despite the disadvantages -Currently it is in the top 8% of school in the country for the 2013 SATS and recognised by the DFE as in the top 250 schools in the country measured by the progress made by disadvantaged pupils. The RT Hon David Laws MP Secretary of State congratulated the school for "being exceptionally effective in educating disadvantaged children providing them with a good start in life and a strong springboard into secondary education".
Ofsted: Pupils thoroughly enjoy school and this is reflected in their attendance, which is above average.
The school provides a very positive and vibrant learning environment, and pupils therefore feel safe and secure. All pupils are equally valued, as the school motto indicates, ‘Everyone is valued and all succeed.’ This ensures that the school strongly promotes equality of opportunity, and does not tolerate any form of discrimination.
Pupils have extremely positive attitudes towards learning, and engage thoughtfully in all activities. Their behaviour around the school is often exemplary. They get on well together, and show considerable respect and care for each other.
Despite its success the school has become earmarked for demolition and on its tiny site the plan is to rebuild it as a 3 storey "Pilot" Austerity "baseline design" school with reduced classroom space to provide 30 reception places for 2016 and doubling the capacity of children to 420 on the same small site.
Baseline Design schools (Aka Austerity schools)
The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) is seriously concerned about the unproven ‘Austerity School’ scheme.RIBA President Angela Brady said:
'Our students, teachers and local communities deserve great schools - environments that are beneficial to the best-quality teaching and learning. In these times of austerity of course we need to cut our cloth on all spending; however, the government's proposals for the design and construction of future schools are far too restrictive with too much focus on short-term savings.
They say that the scheme’s overall space reduction is ‘ignoring the safeguarding of environmental comfort’ and it is ‘not ensuring discipline and student wellbeing’. They maintain that there is ‘a failure to create functional spaces for excellent teaching’, that ‘students and teachers will be deprived of quality environments that are proven to support teaching and learning’ and the scheme is ‘disregarding statutory requirements for accessibility and inclusion’.
The RIBA believe that it does ‘not deliver long-term sustainability and value’.
Only time will tell the success of this scheme but for now, the children of SFD will become the first ‘guinea pigs’ for the success or failure of this type of building development.
Why is this happening? The council is allowing private developments to build new homes without adequate primary provision. Instead the council has over the last four years opted to enlarge 75% of their primary schools instead.
Locally we have 1432 new homes being built but the council says it has no sites to build new schools.
Demolishing Sir Francis Drake will not resolve the need for primary places for the developments the council has agreed but it will permanently disrupt and change it irreparably.
The council says "The Mayor and Cabinet report (April 9th 2014) provides evidence that there is a need for a school in this locality looking forward to the end of this decade. The due diligence conducted by the government's Education Funding Agency, which would manage the new build, also confirms this."
We are asking the council to build a new school that they truly need- a new school would bring an additional 60 reception places in to the locality.
We say no to the demolition and rebuild of our successful well maintained, inclusive and diverse little community school so that's it "exceptional work" can go on.
Sir Francis Drake Primary school is in one of Lewisham boroughs most deprived areas Evelyn Ward, it a local one form entry community school with capacity for 210 children.
52% of school pupils are have English as a second language,
41% are on free school meals and the proportion of disabled pupils and special educational needs is above average.
Despite the disadvantages -Currently it is in the top 8% of school in the country for the 2013 SATS and recognised by the DFE as in the top 250 schools in the country measured by the progress made by disadvantaged pupils. The RT Hon David Laws MP Secretary of State congratulated the school for "being exceptionally effective in educating disadvantaged children providing them with a good start in life and a strong springboard into secondary education".
Ofsted: Pupils thoroughly enjoy school and this is reflected in their attendance, which is above average.
The school provides a very positive and vibrant learning environment, and pupils therefore feel safe and secure. All pupils are equally valued, as the school motto indicates, ‘Everyone is valued and all succeed.’ This ensures that the school strongly promotes equality of opportunity, and does not tolerate any form of discrimination.
Pupils have extremely positive attitudes towards learning, and engage thoughtfully in all activities. Their behaviour around the school is often exemplary. They get on well together, and show considerable respect and care for each other.
Despite its success the school has become earmarked for demolition and on its tiny site the plan is to rebuild it as a 3 storey "Pilot" Austerity "baseline design" school with reduced classroom space to provide 30 reception places for 2016 and doubling the capacity of children to 420 on the same small site.
Baseline Design schools (Aka Austerity schools)
The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) is seriously concerned about the unproven ‘Austerity School’ scheme.RIBA President Angela Brady said:
'Our students, teachers and local communities deserve great schools - environments that are beneficial to the best-quality teaching and learning. In these times of austerity of course we need to cut our cloth on all spending; however, the government's proposals for the design and construction of future schools are far too restrictive with too much focus on short-term savings.
They say that the scheme’s overall space reduction is ‘ignoring the safeguarding of environmental comfort’ and it is ‘not ensuring discipline and student wellbeing’. They maintain that there is ‘a failure to create functional spaces for excellent teaching’, that ‘students and teachers will be deprived of quality environments that are proven to support teaching and learning’ and the scheme is ‘disregarding statutory requirements for accessibility and inclusion’.
The RIBA believe that it does ‘not deliver long-term sustainability and value’.
Only time will tell the success of this scheme but for now, the children of SFD will become the first ‘guinea pigs’ for the success or failure of this type of building development.
Why is this happening? The council is allowing private developments to build new homes without adequate primary provision. Instead the council has over the last four years opted to enlarge 75% of their primary schools instead.
Locally we have 1432 new homes being built but the council says it has no sites to build new schools.
Demolishing Sir Francis Drake will not resolve the need for primary places for the developments the council has agreed but it will permanently disrupt and change it irreparably.
The council says "The Mayor and Cabinet report (April 9th 2014) provides evidence that there is a need for a school in this locality looking forward to the end of this decade. The due diligence conducted by the government's Education Funding Agency, which would manage the new build, also confirms this."
We are asking the council to build a new school that they truly need- a new school would bring an additional 60 reception places in to the locality.
We say no to the demolition and rebuild of our successful well maintained, inclusive and diverse little community school so that's it "exceptional work" can go on.
How it will be delivered
Community will be organising public meeting and engaging the press