1,000 signatures reached
To: Local developer John Smart, planning department Cardiff City Council, Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government
Save Splott University

Please don't demolish / allow destruction of Splott University Settlement building
Peidiwch a dymchwel / rhoi caniatad i ddinistrio adeilad Anheddfan Prifysgol Sblot
Peidiwch a dymchwel / rhoi caniatad i ddinistrio adeilad Anheddfan Prifysgol Sblot
Why is this important?
At the end of last year the much loved University Settlement building in Splott was acquired by local property developer John Smart. His aim is to demolish the building and erect an inappropriate high block of flats.
The University Settlement building was built in 1904 to house a movement that provided an education for all at the beginning of the 20th century in an age where this would have been unattainable and unaffordable for most working class people. Latterly it was the first St Illtyd’s Catholic Grammar School for Boys. The building, designed by renowned Arts and Crafts architect Robert Weir Schultz is the only remaining example of a University Settlement in Wales.
Please join our eleventh hour petition in an appeal to John Smart not to demolish and the planning department of Cardiff City Council and Llywodraeth Cymru not to allow the destruction of this unique building.
Mae adeiladau hanesyddol Anheddfan y Brifysgol wedi dod i feddiant y datblygwr eiddo lleol John Smart. Ei fwriad yw dymchwel yr adeilad ac adeiladu twr anaddas o fflatiau.
Adeiladwyd adeilad Anheddfan y Brifysgol yn 1904 i roi cartre i fudiad oedd yn gyfrifrol am ddarparu addysg i bawb ar ddechrau’r 20fed Ganrif mewn oes lle na fyddai hynny o fewn cyrraedd trwch y boblogaeth. Dylunwyd yr adeilad gan y pensaer nodedig Robert Weir Schultz a dyma’r unig enghraifft o Anheddfan Prifysgol sydd wedi goroesi yng Nghymru.
Ar yr unfed awr ar ddeg, a fyddech mor garedig ag arwyddo ein deiseb sy’n apelio at John Smart i beidio dymchwel, ac adran gynllunio Cyngor Caerdydd a Llywodraeth Cymru i beidio caniatau dinistr yr adeilad unigryw yma.
The University Settlement building was built in 1904 to house a movement that provided an education for all at the beginning of the 20th century in an age where this would have been unattainable and unaffordable for most working class people. Latterly it was the first St Illtyd’s Catholic Grammar School for Boys. The building, designed by renowned Arts and Crafts architect Robert Weir Schultz is the only remaining example of a University Settlement in Wales.
Please join our eleventh hour petition in an appeal to John Smart not to demolish and the planning department of Cardiff City Council and Llywodraeth Cymru not to allow the destruction of this unique building.
Mae adeiladau hanesyddol Anheddfan y Brifysgol wedi dod i feddiant y datblygwr eiddo lleol John Smart. Ei fwriad yw dymchwel yr adeilad ac adeiladu twr anaddas o fflatiau.
Adeiladwyd adeilad Anheddfan y Brifysgol yn 1904 i roi cartre i fudiad oedd yn gyfrifrol am ddarparu addysg i bawb ar ddechrau’r 20fed Ganrif mewn oes lle na fyddai hynny o fewn cyrraedd trwch y boblogaeth. Dylunwyd yr adeilad gan y pensaer nodedig Robert Weir Schultz a dyma’r unig enghraifft o Anheddfan Prifysgol sydd wedi goroesi yng Nghymru.
Ar yr unfed awr ar ddeg, a fyddech mor garedig ag arwyddo ein deiseb sy’n apelio at John Smart i beidio dymchwel, ac adran gynllunio Cyngor Caerdydd a Llywodraeth Cymru i beidio caniatau dinistr yr adeilad unigryw yma.