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To: Flintshire County Council

save the Duke of Lancaster

To stop placing constraints on the access to the Duke of Lancaster ship and dock.

Why is this important?

The Duke of Lancaster is the last passenger only steam turbine ship left in existence. She is listed on the Historic Ships Register. When she was open as the Funship she became the third most popular tourist attraction in Wales, creating many jobs. She could do this again regenerating the area, bringing so many benefits to the local and surrounding area.

The Council should allow the ship to be restored and reopened as a Funship.
Llanerch-y-Mor, Mostyn, North Wales

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2017-11-14 16:51:31 +0000

5,000 signatures reached

2016-01-21 15:34:32 +0000

A massive thank you to every one of you lovely people who have signed this petition! Just to let you all know, it may seem as if nothing is happening at the moment but I can assure you that is certainly NOT the case. John Rowley, the owner of the Duke is waiting for the CEO of Flintshire Council, Colin Everett to respond to his request to "clarify the Council’s current position regarding access for emergency vehicles”. It is proving to be a difficult one for him to answer it seems as 6 months down the line, we have heard nothing. Slightly irrelevant or is it I wonder? but the CEO and the Deputy Leader of the Council, Bernie Attridge have blocked the ship on Twitter. A sign of guilt do you think??

2014-10-22 19:23:35 +0100

2014-10-22 19:22:56 +0100

2014-10-22 19:22:15 +0100

2014-10-22 19:16:48 +0100


2014-09-20 03:08:44 +0100

Latest Update.... No response as yet from the Leader of Flintshire County Council to Mr John Rowley, co owner of the Duke of Lancaster ....

2014-09-12 20:36:56 +0100

Could I ask you to spare a moment and sign the petition for another very worthy cause the
HMS Plymouth. The ship is currently sitting in Turkish waters awaiting scrapping. She was stolen from Liverpool. She must come home ...

2014-09-12 20:30:28 +0100

A copy of an email sent to Aaron Shotton, Leader of Flintshire County Council from Welsh Assembly member Mark Isherwood.
Dear Aaron,
I have been copied on the e-mail below and would be grateful if you could give this your attention and copy me on your response.
Thank you.

2014-09-12 20:27:48 +0100

A copy of an email from Welsh Assembly member Antoinette Sandbach to Aaron Shotton, Leader of Flintshire County Council,
Sandbach, Antoinette (Assembly Member)
17:52 (1 hour ago)
to John, aaron.shotton, me, Maurice, Mark, Jan
Dear Mr Shotton
Please ensure that I receive a response to the queries outlined below. Or alternatively treat this email as a request for the information to be provided under an FOI. As you will be aware an FOI request does not have to specifically quote the Act, but a response is required from a Public body. It is my view that these are legitimate questions which the council should answer.
Kind regards
Antoinette Sandbach

2014-09-12 20:24:54 +0100

.This is a copy of an email sent from John Rowley, co owner of the ship to Aaron Shotton, Leader of Flintshire County Council...

2014-09-01 20:01:55 +0100

2014-08-23 19:27:38 +0100

We erected the sign on the front of the bridge of the ship yesterday

2014-08-12 16:35:01 +0100

This is the latest video which goes a little more in depth as to where we are now with our 'discussion' with Flintshire County Council.

2014-08-12 15:45:24 +0100

One of many video's I have made about the ship. This one tells a little of her story from when she was decommissioned as a Sealink ferry ;