To: UK Government
Save the media from the press barons.

Use monopolies legislation to challenge the domination of media by global corporations. Use or create legislation to ensure balanced and accurate reporting. Use or create legislation to ensure a safe distance between government employees, publuc representatives and the media. The media should be there to present the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth to the public. The government must not be able to suppress reporting of events like the million mask march in London that was not shown on the BBC or ITV news.
Why is this important?
It is essential that tve public are informed of all events that may affect their wellbeing. Our government, banks, business, law and so on must be held accountable and a free press us a big part of that. The UK press fails in that task. It is controlled by global corporations and hides and misrepresents situations to serve their interests. Government is supported, bullied and manipulated by them. The public don't get a look-in. There is no democracy in this. Important issues go unresolved and people suffer.