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To: The Electoral Commision

Scrap "First Past the Post"

Make the voting system more democratic by scraping "first past the post" to allow all parties to represent the country fairly

Why is this important?

The General Election of 2015 shocked me.
The SNP claimed 56 seats and got 1,454,436
The Liberal Democrats claimed 8 seats and got 2,415,862
HOWEVER UKIP got 3,881,099 and yet only retained ONE SEAT.
To me this doesn't seem fair at all.
Many times today I have heard people thank goodness UKIP has only one seat as they are a "racist extreme party" or heard the odd person comment that they are glad Greens only have only seat as they are "a bunch of tree huggers whose policies don't make sense". If you don't agree with a political view of a party then you every right to express that as your opinion. What I don't find acceptable is the attempted smothering of many voters who have voted for these parties and won't hear the desired people in Parliament simply because their support wasn't concentrated in areas. Are we just supposed to ignore nearly 4 million people who have voted UKIP (more than SNP and Liberal Democrats put together may I add) because there votes weren't in the right places?
What about the Green Party?
1,156,149 votes, 300,000 short of the SNP yet they only get one seat as well.

We do have democracy in this country in this country and we are lucky to have it but now more needs to be done so everyone's opinion through out the country will be heard.
Let's do something sooner rather than later.

Of course this is only a rough idea and perhaps some may find faults in it but I suggest that the seats gained in Parliament is simply awarded by proportional representation. The local constituency vote should be separate to the national vote with the local consistency voting for a politician who will work in the local area and communicate with their own party about findings and suggestions for their area to bring up in Government but won't have anything to do with being a MP or voting in Parliament.





2016-02-06 12:58:31 +0000

10 signatures reached