100 signatures reached
To: Local government council
Speed bumps prevent bumps and crossings prevent crisis.

I would like the local council or government department to put in a zebra crossing or some sort of a crossing area in the main road that runs through Keadby outside the school and generation Park area.
Why is this important?
Because it will reduce accidents and could save life's my son was knocked down on this road thinking it was clear and it wasn't we were very lucky the driver was amazing and was driving under the speed limit otherwise we may not have our son now. However on a daily basis we have seen many other drivers speeding through the village. My son is the third child I know about who has been knocked down in this road and there has been many other accidents such as crashes on this road to.
A crossing will encourage drivers to drive slower and reduce accidents and will stop people of all ages old and young from trying to estimate if the road is clear enough or they have long enough to get over before getting hurt. I know it will be expensive for the council but my child's life does not have a price to high for keeping him safe and I am sure yours doesn't either.
A crossing will encourage drivers to drive slower and reduce accidents and will stop people of all ages old and young from trying to estimate if the road is clear enough or they have long enough to get over before getting hurt. I know it will be expensive for the council but my child's life does not have a price to high for keeping him safe and I am sure yours doesn't either.