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To: Anglo-Jewish community members

Statement of Support of Rabbi Joseph Dweck

Sign your expression of support here.

Why is this important?

We, the undersigned, are a collective of community members in London who comply with Jewish law and are actively involved in observant, communal Jewish life.

This statement expresses our utmost support for the leader of the S&P Sephardi Community, Rabbi Joseph Dweck, both as a senior minister and educator.

Contrary to accusations made, we do not feel that our honour has been slighted or that we have been insulted in any way.
We are also of the opinion that Rabbi Dweck has been bold in addressing an issue which is often neglected, and that there are rare if any educational forums on this subject matter.

Similarly, we have been inspired by his lectures on topics relating to Jewish law for both Sephardim and Ashkenazim.

While we would welcome a communal debate about the halakhic parameters of the lecture/shiur in question and educational endeavours to debate the content, we are of the strong opinion that any calls to involve alternative Batei Din and Rabbinic panels in this matter, both local and those in America, Israel or other, or calls to strip him of his title, be ignored and this matter remain local.

We also call upon all parties to retain dignity and an appropriate level of discourse. At no time should any further insults be made, lest this result in more desecration of God’s name and negative view of observant Jews both internal and external to the community.

We are stronger as a community if we are able to facilitate civil debate l’shem Shamayim.

How it will be delivered

This statement provides you with a forum to express your support for Rabbi Joseph Dweck, and to call for any debate to remain civil and local.

This statement and all signatories are public and may be shown to members of the Rabbinate and the Jewish press at some future stage or if requested.

Any comments containing personal insults or inappropriate language will be deleted immediately.


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7 years ago

500 signatures reached

7 years ago

100 signatures reached

7 years ago

50 signatures reached

7 years ago

25 signatures reached

7 years ago

10 signatures reached